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Posts posted by daftpup

  1. No disrespect intended, but I think some of you are missing it here. It's all fine and well to say the addict must want to quit and make the decision but we're not talking about Marlboroughs here. Martin's friends' siblings are clearly way too far gone and couldn't make a rational decision if they wanted to. Meth is making all their decisions for them. We know it alters brain chemistry, sometimes to the point of no return, but I feel that this damage can vary + or - with the individual.


    Like Slick says, this drug is the devil and you need an "exorcist" type therapy to beat it. The radical treatment my buddy proposed would of course be a last ditch effort to save a soul. From what I've seen, other more conventional treatments have largely failed.

  2. Jeez Martin. I have never had anyone close to me hooked on that stuff but understand the allure, buzz and subsequent addiction.


    A close friend of mine teaches high school as well as having a counselling degree and has told me some ugly stories about meth users. He has had exposure to them through the student body and within the community.


    He told me once what his strategy would be if one of his daughters or other loved ones of his became addicted. He has a little place out in the bush and that's where he said he'd take them. Once there, he would literally tie them up(safety measures used of course) and leave them tied up for as long as it took to break them. Constant vigilance, minor medical intervention, and emotional and physical support would be needed during this time. He figures it would take a couple weeks...likely the roughest 2 weeks of both your lives.

    It may sound radical but when he was telling me about it...it made alot of sense.

  3. Musta been going down hill. Never seen one of those go over 50. Idiots around here think they can take them on the interstate :rant2: .


    Which reminds me....


    The sign says "Slower Traffic Keep Right" so get the whak over cuz you beein slow on the foot and in the head homeslice! :angry:

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