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Everything posted by artistic

  1. http://s21.postimg.org/3u7h0ad5z/20140116_195629.jpg http://s17.postimg.org/47ogijdb3/20140116_195629.jpg Heres the links to the photos, educated guess is that its a ground wire!?
  2. hi all fellow scratch your head and kick the nearest thing pathfinder owners. Recently moved to canada and as i live in the sticks thought i,d need a 4 x 4, got one for a steal with few issues untill today........ The imfamous MAF! Had the problem of no power then suddenly it kicks in, reverse, ha, i could stumble quicker. So after reading npora i cleaned the maf, still the same issue, unravelled the lecky tape to find whats in the photos. If i pull out the maf connector the engine stops so i assume the maf itself is doing its job so wiring problem andnagain looks like ground. So where does this bare wire afix to and can i just splice a ground onto the 3rd and ground it to the body. Btw, when i fixed the bare wire to what again i assume is the ground it heats up and smokes! What am i doing wrong? Need to fix this quick as like i said i live out in the sticks
  3. hi all fellow scratch your head and kick the nearest thing pathfinder owners. Recently moved to canada and as i live in the sticks thought i,d need a 4 x 4, got one for a steal with few issues untill today........ The imfamous MAF! Had the problem of no power then suddenly it kicks in, reverse, ha, i could stumble quicker. So after reading npora i cleaned the maf, still the same issue, unravelled the lecky tape to find whats in the photos. If i pull out the maf connector the engine stops so i assume the maf itself is doing its job so wiring problem andnagain looks like ground. So where does this bare wire afix to and can i just splice a ground onto the 3rd and ground it to the body. Btw, when i fixed the bare wire to what again i assume is the ground it heats up and smokes! What am i doing wrong? Ah, i cant seems to attach photos, help again! Need to fix this quick as like i said i live out in the sticks!
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