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Posts posted by fordsho90

  1. Yeah, its funny how bad some people are. Here in BC Canada, we have a good system for learning to drive. When your 16, you can receive an "L" if you get %70 on a written test. This "L" (stands for learners) ables you to drive, only if a person 25yrs of age with DL is in the car with you. You have that license for 1 yr (i think they uped it to 2yrs now).


    After that 1 (now 2) year, you take a road test with an instructor, if you pass, you recieve an "N" (new driver). You can drive by yourself, but can only have 1 passenger who isnt family. You have to have an "N" for 2 years then take another road test to get your full license. The tests all include parrellel parking, stall parking, and all the basics.


    An independant company offers a driving course that will reduce the amount of time you need to have your "L" for, 3 month reduction. That means you get your license 3 months earlier, so all the young punks (like myself) like that idea so they take the course ($900). Honestly, I took the course just to get the reduction, but it was really insightful. They teach you points to look for while parrell parking, and its really really easy after that, almost fun.


    The funny thing is that the younger generation knows how to drive better (dont cry that I said this) than the older gen, just because the tight filter they use to give licenses. I still see people in they're 30s and 40s attempting to parallel park and having to do it 3 or 4 times. Then you see a teenager swing in the first try with ease... just something to think about, dont assume teenagers are all hopped up on every drug and drunk driving really fast everywhere, because the fact is, they are probably the safest driver percentage out there.


    Wow, I wrote alot :unsure:

    well alrighty then :rolleyes:

  2. It sounds like a bunch of political jargon that came up at a coffee meeting with no particular outcome in sight. That's just me, tho :D

    We all know the unibody was a step in the wrong direction. IMO Nissan is taking steps to be more mom-friendly than anything else.

    Amen, can you say mall crawlers???

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