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Posts posted by fordsho90

  1. as a fellow Chicagoin I must say that im insulted by your comments about people who cant drive around here :D ....and maybe you shouldnt have been in YOUR lane :o ....and it dosent matter if you had a 150db horn cause they couldnt have heard ya over the booming music and them being on their cell phone :angry: seriously though un's idea of a train horn would be bad but mookies idea is the most practical

  2. Weirdness. Has anybody else had theirs appear to be dead, only to have it check out? I mean, if it really is fine, I'm not gonna complain. But it would fire after tapping with a hammer. Maybe something was just loose.



    I had that happen once on my Bronco and another time on my hurst ......after pulling one out of my hurst and walking 2 miles to the auto parts store they put it on the machine and bumped it and it worked the kid was like its fine I told him no way I just walked two miles to bump it again...and again...third time was a charm so I dont know if it was just starting to go or what the deal was I know I wasnt gonna walk another two miles to find out that it gave up the ghost for good :shrug:

  3. man those Tonkas are tough I kept mine and past em down to my kids and they survived them and when my kids have kids they will go to them (damn im gettin old) :angry: but three generations how many toys can you say that about?

  4. its all about need my friend....like stated above get yourself a pos 4banger for your commute and leave the pathy for play that way you get the best of both worlds I had a saturn sl2 for my work vehicale but I was driving bout 140 miles a day for a couple of months so I saved a ton of cash of fuel... till it got wrecked...I gotta find another one after I go back to work

  5. look under your dash for a switch might be toggle or a push button switch it is an override for just this purpose and other alsomost place install put this override switch in.and if there isnt one fid your wiring harnees and look for a wire tied in....it will be kinda obviou cause it will look out of place should be red or yellow disconnect cap and it will bypass your alarm.....and if you cant find it see if you can bumpstart and taske it to bestbuy where they do installs and give the kid in back 50.00 and let him do the work for ya B)

  6. Oliver

    Posted: Apr 7 2006, 01:35 PM





    Very nice. How is it to load. The last Beretta I shot was really hard to load as the mag approached capacity. It was a 9mm though.



    I have 9mm and .40 and both were hard to load when new so that just means you gotta shoot it more B) seriously after a couple of hundred rounds either your thumb gets stronger or it loosens up the spring in the mag.

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