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Posts posted by denisb

  1. Ah man, and here I've sent last week's pay to Chief Chinweta's daughter Stella, just because I thaught she was sweet........what a jip, now my kids are going to be going hungry.......


    unless maybe someone would have a couple of bucks to send my way. I do take paypal if you're interested.

  2. They actually don't dissengage totally in reverse. It's a momentary dissengage. Hence the cluck. Think of your hubs as having a "neutral", for the sake of layman term, in between forward and reverse. For that 1/4 turn or so that when the wheel changes direction the hub goes from engaged to dissengaged to engaged in the other direction. Yes they do suck, but they will engage in both directions.



  3. Check and make sure your exhaust system is not hitting anywheres. Sometime this can sound like something different than a rattle. You said they addressed your stud issue. They might have moved something just enough so that it's rubbing up against something. Try shaking your exhaust system and see if it hits anywhere (when it's cold ofcourse ;) )


    It could also be that you had a gasket that was ready to go and when they moved your exhaust around to fik your mahifold problem they moved it around just enough to make it leak.



  4. It definatevely sounds like a Torque converter chatter. This usually happens when your torque converter locks up when you reach cruising highway speed. If this didn't happen in a tranny, the torque would constantly be slipping somewhat and it would wear out quicker.


    As per your description it looks like your tranny oil went down all of a sudden. Check around your tranny cooler and the hoses going back to your tranny for leaks. The tranny cooler is located in front of your radiator and looks like a smaller radiator. Follow the two hoses going back to your tranny and make sure there is nothing leaking along the way.


    Once you've eliminated leaks, fill with fluid (Recomended tranny fluid in the shop manual says ATF 4 or Dextron equivalent). This is done thru the dipstick tube. leave the truck running and just add a bit at a time, too much is no better. wait 4-5 minutes and check again, sometimes it will take a while for the oil to make it down the tube in the tranny. Once you've check it twice and it remains at the proper level take it for a test drive and see. If you still have the chatter, then replace oil and filter. Depending when the last oil change was on your tranny, you might want to consider this anyway.

  5. What do you mean by really low? This could be your problem. If it's low enough for your pump to starve from not enough oil, maybe your torque converter isn't locking up properly. It says hot and cold on your dip stick I'm pretty sure. If not it should be checked hot.


    And I agree with meangreen that since your in there you may as well change the filter. The opinion on this varies on who you ask (since it's a metal screen technicaly it can be cleaned), but I just figure by replacing the filter you get an new filter gasket that makes for a newer, better seal.

  6. I agree 100% with 88. If 1 hub locks up it makes the other try to engage making the whizzing sound and the clunck you hear is the hub engaging, dissengaging as you almost get stoped. Mine did this right before I burnt the clutch in one side. Not recomended to use your rig this way.



  7. They will have to take the the trany pan off to clean or change the filter. The filter is a metal screen that can actually be cleaned, replacing the filter will ensure a new gasket on the filter which might not be a bad idea.


    Then there is going to be some residue in the pan (hopfully if you have a good mechanic he will clean this also). Mine actually had quit a bit. This was the reason for my tranny not operating correctly, it was clogging my filter limiting the oil pressure in my tranny.


    As for damdge done to the tranny. It's hard to tell, each tranny will react different. Your best bet is to see if your tranny works better after this. If so, drive it for a couple of weeeks and see if your problem starts coming back. If it doesn't you probably have many miles left.


    I did the pan drop and oil change bit because it was cheaper than what the tranny shop was suggesting (a rebuilt tranny) and it worked. I got lucky, not every one does but it was worth the $200 or so that I spent to do this.



  8. Depending how hard you mean by hard, these trannys are known to have a hard second shift. I know mine's always shifted hard in second (when cold also) and I've had it for 4 years and 100 000 kms without problem.


    As for your other description it almost sounds like a tranny chatter. Does it feel like a vibration almost like going over rumble strips along the highway? If so, it's probably a chater. Mine had this issue and I let it go until the tranny quit. I then drop the pan and oil and it's been going good ever since with no Chatter. I would however not recomend to wait till the tranny quits to change the oil. I was extremely lucky not to kill the tranny.



  9. Lottery is nothing to worry about, man! Just stay out of casinos LMAO :lol:

    Kinda hard when that's my job :P I'm a service tech for a gaming company. I'm here to upgrade a couple of games.


    Oh well, I'm on the winning team on that one I guess ;)



  10. 10:00am- bored to death in my hotel room waiting to get kicked out as I am checking out today and flying to Grand Prairie from Edmonton at 5:45pm. Surf the net....life is good.


    11:00 Do a web check in. Figure I'm going to lose my internet connection anytime as it's a 24hr service.


    11:20 loose connection. Ah well will go print the web check in downstairs at the hotel business center.


    11:50 Finally get the P.O.S. HP printer to print my web check in.


    12:20 NOTICE MY FLIGHT IS AT 1:30 not 5:45 :o Airport 30 minutes away+rental drop off= not enough time.


    Race to the airport, drop off rental, get to Westjet counter where they inform me I have missed my plane.


    Choices: wait until 9 and try stand by or drive 5 hours to Grand Prairie (which is my next choice if I don't Make stand By)


    No problem I'll just go pick up my rental and extend it right? :nono:


    "The rental is in the system we can't pull it back out and we have no more rentals available" says the 9 months pregnant girl at the counter.


    If it wasn't that I might be charged for two murders I might have jumped the counter and wrung someones neck.


    So another rental company gets me a rental and I'm off for a 5 hour jont to GP.


    And I am now writing this story in the hotel lobby because the wireless does not work from my room.


    Looks like I won't be checking my loto tickets tonight.


    Ah well tomorrow is another day!


    Bad luck shleprock

  11. Happy Birthday Sammy!!


    Thanks all, I get my gift from Simon tomorrow, we're going to Montreal for a Leaf Game! :D

    Happy Birthday Pezzy and Sam!


    Oh and Pezzy, Go Leafs Go!!!!!



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