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bear claw

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Posts posted by bear claw

  1. Welcome WAVEY


    I normally detail the branch scratches with mud, followed with a random rain shower and at times take out the big gun (the power washer) and spray the under body followed by my drive way :P


    But I'm open to new techniques -bounce-

  2. I think they have always been noticing ( and probably secretly wanting ) A "PATHY"


    I have the privilege to park on a incline at will


    Go play in the mud at will


    Transport all kinds of crap at will


    Start and go at will





    Do you know which truck will



    THE " PATHY " WILL -bounce- B)

  3. From toyotaoffroad.com:



    The 4 Wheelers Creed

    What many see as excessiveness, I see as necessity.


    What many see as too expensive, I see as priceless.


    What many see as twisted sheet metal, I see as a sculpture of experience.


    They call it maintenance, I call it caring.


    They say, "Why replace a perfectly good part?"


    I say, "If it were perfect, it wouldn't need replacing."


    They call it broken, I call it wounded.


    They see a scratch, I see a memory.


    They'll take the low road, they'll take the high road.


    I'll take a little of both and a lot of the space in between.


    Some say I am destroying the earth, I say I am becoming a part of it.


    They look at it. I look at it, feel it, taste it, breathe it, and wear it in my hair.


    When they take away the trail, they take away my air.


    Some say we are different.


    I say they are right.

    That was beautiful man :bow:

  4. Wheelers, ATVers, and dirt bike riders have been using that place for something like 25 years with no issues. Last year a Jeep club was formed and the basis of their operation was that place. They basically went there once, twice a week with 10-15 or more trucks and tore it up to shreds. In many areas there is no more grass and ruts are so deep that you need trucks on 39"s to get through. City took notice and place got shut down. I am happy that it's closed now as the area needs to regenerate in the next 10 years or so. Right now it's a freakin' mess...

    You're probably right , I was told by a friend that it was getting out of conrol but did not go for a long time and was supprise by the closing. And than *Overreacted* somewhat with this new trend :hide:


    There is a lot of trails out there and treading lightly will keep them for generation :aok:

  5. I was going to the coke plant today and I see this


    We have to stop the closing of all the trails


    This was used by motorcross, atv, 4 wheelers etc young and old


    Well they can't put that f^##%& sign everywhere the F*#@^&$ :angry:


  6. This is for balancing tires. I've been running with it for a few months now and seems to work great . You notice the bead on the steering from 0 to 40 km and then it gets balanced , you need the balancing at higher speed anyway.


    There's the site I found the info on this with all the charts and everything.




    I bought 2 containers and did 5 tires and have 1/2 left in one.


    This makes sense and we should all do this .


    I picked the green ones because they look cool even though you don't see them :P


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