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Posts posted by tyrhine

  1. so I gave my 95 pathfinder to my girl, and when she is driving sometimes it will just die while driving. she will have to wait a couple of mins to get it started. she told me sometimes her dash lights and her main her lights will go out, sometimes they don't. the power steering and breaks go out like the car just turns off. I'm going to go look at it night, what should I be looking for? I'll deff check the connection with the battery. could be a ingition problem as well? any help would be great.

  2. xbox offers alot more game content then the ps3. I dunno it really depends on what you like. because I hate the ps3 controller for some reason I don't like the way it feels. just depends on the person I guess

  3. yeah I'm going to take a tap get the measurements, then call them up and see if it matches with the pathfinder ones. I still haven't compared them to the stock ones, not having a floorjack is awesome :)

  4. yea but you can lift your front end with stock uca's right? I think I'm just going to reindex them again and see if I can mess with it heh. it sucks because I don't own floor jacks so I have to go to a friends house everytime.

  5. yea I'm pretty sure I'm doing this right because when I crank them up the space between the bumb stops gets smaller and the front end lifts up. I'm taking it 4wheel parts and have them look at it because I can't find the problem. as far as frame damage I'v look'd it over a billion times but I might be missing something. so I havent compared my new UCA's to my stock ones. but if they are the same size, did they give me the wrong ones or are they just made like that?

  6. so yea I was looking at my old UCA's and it looks the same size as the stock ones awesome! haha but I've seen people lift the with the stock uca's on. so would could be going on? should I try and sell the ones I have and pick some better ones? I'm taking it to the 4wheel parts guys they are going to see what they can do. its like 50 bucks to check it out. I think I'm doing the torsion bars wrong.

  7. those are pics if your looking at the front end, didn't have a floor jack so I couldn't jack it up. and the camber is fixd because I haven't cranked up my torsion bars that much if you look at the bumb stops they are like 2-3 inches off.










    and here is my clown car tee hee. and I have the front at stock hight so I can drive it.




  8. yeah when I took it firestone they lowered the tbars a but to fix the camber. so its like the higher I go, the worse the camber gets. so right now the camber it good and drives fine, but it looks like a clown car because my back is higher by like 2 inches. so I just don't understand when ever I tighten my tbars my cambe gets f'd hehe

  9. Im cambered in with mine. I'm off my lower bump stops about 1 inch. When the front suspension compresses, the top of the tire cambers out then comes back. Thats why I thoght maybe you got the torsion bars misindexed.


    hmm what do you mean by misindexed? heh still kinda new

  10. everytime I try and lift it the camber gets worse. I---I is when the the uca's are like 3 inches off the bumb stops. and /--\ when its like a a half to 1 inch off the bumb stops. and I think there is only 1 shim on my right control arm.

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