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Posts posted by EvilLex03

  1. I got my 2" body lift in, and it was kinda a pain in the ass, but I got it all in ! anyways, I used the brackets for the front bumper to lift it up 2 inches but it does not seam to be very tight. Im just wondering if anybody did something diffrent with it.. It would be nice to make it stronger so if I do hit something it will work ! I could weld it to the frame, but I did not realy want that in case I need to take it off some time. Any info would be nice.


    Thanks !

  2. I just got under there and tryed to move stuff. Nothing feals lose. How much should the drive shaft turn ? I can turn it a little, or I should say rotate it a litte, but the joints seam to move right along with it. I guess Ill just try the fluid change and hope for the best.

  3. Its rainin out so I can't go look. I have not looked yet.. it does make a clunking in the chassis, I can just feal it in the floor. its not that bad, I can here it good when I hang my head out the window.. But it does not do it every time. Like, when ever I go to show someone it wont do it !

  4. Ill check that out... I never looked for a broken mount. Like I said.. It only makes the noise when im putting a load on the thing.. I mean when im in gear driving.. If im just coating it does not make the noise.. It does feal like something might be loose under there.

  5. Ok, here goes… When I turn going under maybe 20 mph I can here a noise coming from the back of the truck.. I think it’s the rear-end.. It does it when I back up also, but as soon as I push in the clutch it will stop. I have a LSD rear end so I was thinking that it has to do with that.. Is this normal for it to make noise ? I friend at a local Toyota dealer told me that when it gets hot out that it might start to “chatter” and told me to change the fluid and also to get an LSD additive. So I got some new fluid and the additive, I have not changed it yet.. Does this sound right ? I just want to make sure before I go changing stuff.. Also, I got Castrol 80W90.. Thats the right stuff, right ?



  6. Ive been looking around on the net for a bit now and I can't seam to find a nice looking Brush Guard... I like the ARB one but I dont want to spent that much money. I just want something that I can mount a few lights and that will look nice. I found a WAAG guard.. anybody have one ? WAAG Center Guard Does anybody like this one ? Also, I have a 2" body lift, is a brush guard going to sit lower because of this ?

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