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Posts posted by GP2001

  1. A 96 does not have "auto hubs" It's got fully engaged, full time drive splines, unless swapped out for Manual hubs.


    The rest posted here still applies.

    I actually have a 97, idk why i typed 96...haha Are they still the same? Does this mean im not supposed to shift on the fly? I did yesterday and it was really smooth, no bad noise whatsoever

  2. a bump moved a wire so its no longer in a short? or if you played with the flasher units maybe it reseated them (possibly some corrosion or something?)

    Nothing I did should have effected the blinkers, when i put it in the garage they didnt work, when i took it out they did so its not like i hit bumps either. Its like 25 degress colder, anyway that makes a difference?

  3. So, the car has sat for the past 2 weeks as I was doing some repair to it, today when I took it back out the blinkers were working fine... This leads me to belive it isnt a combination flasher or anything like that anymore, what would make it all of a sudden work perfectly fine?

  4. Did you read this sticky? I think it will answer your questions.




    I actually didnt see that sticky, thanks man I apprecaite it. So what I gather from that is for 4 Hi, its best to stop, press in the clutch, put it in 4 HI, and from then on I can safely do shift on the fly back and forth up to 50mph (according to owners manual), then to fully disengage I need to stop, but it in 2, and then reverse 3 feet? but how fast can it go in 4 HI? If theres like 2 inches of snow and i'm doing 55 or something is it ok to be in 4-HI? For 4-Lo thats come to complete stop, depress clutch, pull it into 4 LO, then to switch back stop, depress clutch, put into 2, then reverse 3 feet. Do I have it right? Sorry if I seem a bit neurotic about it, my pathy has 160k on it, and i dont want to break anything so I need to be gentle,haha With that many miles should I just avoid shift on the fly and just always stop?

  5. Ok im sure that has been covered several times before, but i cant find exactly what im looking for in search or in the stickied thread. I have a 96 pathy, and from what I understand I can shift into 4-hi as long as im going 25mph. Is this correct? Also, once im in 4-hi how fast can I go? Lastly, when put into 4x4, it seems high or low it doesnt want to come back out right away I have to mess with it, anyone know why? Whats the proper way to do it? My apologies if there is a thread answering my particular questions, but I didnt see one

  6. 6mm? are you sure? that's awfully small. hmmm.. i think it's like 26mm on wd21.

    btw. nice edit unc. nice pix.


    I think I may have said it a little confusing. The 6mm is the thread size of the two holes in the crankshaft pulley that you need to get two bolts for to put through the pulley puller. I think your talking about the bolt that holds the pulley on, in which case yes its WAY bigger, haha BTW what worked for me to get that big bolt off was putting the breaker bar on the bolt, pushing it down to the passenger side frame, ratcheting it down with a ratchet strap VERY well, then I disconnected the distributor, and bumped the starter...If anyone needs help getting through this feel free to PM me, as there are a coupe of wierd things that you may run into that are fresh in my head

  7. Well guys, I finally got the damn thing off and got everything else done :) Now i'm just waiting overnight for my thermostats housing gasket maker to seal well and then tomorrow in goes the coolant and we'll see how she runs...wish me luck. Thanks for all of your input. For those curious to how I got it off, I used the 3 jaw puller, the same spindle that threaded into the crankshaft before,took that, crammed a socket on the end of it, the part of the socket that the ratchet goes into, I put the little arrowhead part off of a different pulley puller, and that finally worked. Im very relieved to have it all done and back together, but am SO nervous that the timing is wrong, I cant imagine why it would be becasue i was very precise and nothing moved in the time between taking the old belt off and putting the new one on, but who knows, guess i'll find out tomorrow. BTW, the correct bolt size for the crankshaft pulley is metric 6, incase someone else needs to find out...

  8. Heat will help. There's nothing to really damage there. I'd also give the pulley a couple of good whacks with a hammer, to free up some of the rust. Don't hit too hard though, as you don't want to bend the shaft.


    Ok thanks, I have a small butane torch so I guess ill give it a shot, how long do you think I should heat it for? Should I just heat it and then try to use the 3 jaw puller again? I did hit it with a hammer a bit to try to loosen the rust, but i didnt want to hit it too hard and jam it on or something... Also how does the new pulley go back on? This one is on there so well, im not sure how to go about getting the new one on there. And one more thing, how should the timing belt look? I pulled back the cover a bit and the belt actually looks good, the previous owner was a female and doesnt know anything that was done, she has a ton of receipts but nothing about a timing belt so i assumed it was not done, but now im starting to second guess. Is it normal for a belt to look ok? I was thinking since its covered it probably wont really look to bad, but will just be weaker and theres no way to tell

  9. Well im definitely going to need a new pulley...the front two pieces pulled off of the back one, but now i cant figure out how to get the back one off, it is STUCK on there. For that one, I tried using a 3 jaw pulley puller I have, the middle spindle was pushing so hard, that it started to cut and thread into the crankshaft itself rather then pull off the pulley...Anyone have a clue what I can possibly due? Its not even like I can just put it back together and drive it til it dies, the pulley is seperated in two...so until i get this off and the new one on there its useless. Makes me pissed I even attempted to start this, since I got the car for free and it ran before. I figured id be smart and put in the extra work, and prolong its life, little did I know this rusted POS wants to give me hell with EVEYTHING..sorry if I sound like an asshole, i've spent so many hours on this its ridiculous, im just really frustrated, mostly with myself for even starting to do this...If I get everything done and get the timing wrong, I just may go crazy...haha

  10. well...i may have another problem with the pulley... I had my hand on it and was pulling on it a bit to see if it would loosen a bit, and the front two pulleys actually started to separate from the back small one. Im pretty sure that isnt supposed to happen. The tap I have to make the thread biger isnt long enough to fit in the pulley, so i got another bolt to thread in kind of half assed, and used the proper bolt in the other hole, turned it a couple times and the second bolt pulled the threads out, for some reason its jsut rusted to all hell. As a last resort I used a ratchets strap and ratcheted the puller to the pulley itself, wrapping it around the small back one, start to crank the bolt in the puller and the pulley starts to come of, but like what happened with my hand, the front two are separating from the back. Does this mean that I need to buy a new pulley? Can I just press them back together? Heres a pic of what it looks like http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q83/GP2...pulleyarrow.jpg Its still on the car, as i only have one ratchet strap, and it will come off way easier using two of them so its more even. Let me know what you guys think, im praying i can just push it back together and re use it...Also how do i go about geting the back smaller one off seperately?

  11. i don't really know man.. i have the older model.. just keep playing with it.. you'll get it eventually. :)


    with the FWD, start from second gear instead.


    Thanks man, either ill get it, or ill put it back together and jsut drive it til it dies...haha I got it for free so its a win win either way, but im stubborn as hell and want this thing done...lol I'm really just beyond frustrated, idk why nothing can ever work like it should, i've prob got over 10 hours into this already, all thanks to stupid crap causing me to drive all over the place to get stupid stuff, the amount of work i actually have into it is probably like an hour, the rest is all waste....very frustrating,haha

  12. FWDs do great in the snow man.


    try clamping but i really doubt you'll have enough room.. retapping would be my second thing to try.. PB the hell out of it.. the last and i mean the last resort would be to use the jaw type puller..


    the pulley is actually snapped to the harmonic balancer and i don't think they come apart. be real careful as the new set is very expensive.

    Thanks man, generally FWD is ok in snow, but FWD and torque are a bad thing... I have traction issues in the rain, i can get into it at 40mph and my freakin tires just spin. Off the line in the rain anymore than 1/8th throttle and my tires start to spin. Id imagine the snwo being a PITA. If I clamp would it be ok to clamp behind the middle pulley? Also, is the smallest one in the back technically the harmonic balancer? sorry for my newbishness, im inexperienced with this kind of stuff. I'm scared to use the jaw type becasue ive heard of the lip breaking off before...

  13. Hey guys, so im in a bit of predicament right now. My 1997 pathy has 160k on the original timing belt (prob a time bomb just waiting to blow) and is leaking coolant from the water pump. I've been trying to get this taken care of for the apst couple weekends but keep running into trouble. Right now I was trying to take off the harmonic balancer pulley, and one of the bolts ripped out and took the threads from inside the pulley with it!! What are my options now? Should i attempt to re-tap the hole? Would it be at all possible to use c-clamps and clamp the puller to the pulley and take it off that way? Also, this is prob a dumb question, but that section is 3consecutive pulleys, do they all come off together? ANY help or tips would be great, my areas calling for snow next week and I need this thing running. I commute to college, and what i drive now is a supercharged FWD car, so i'm not going anywhere in the freaking snow...

  14. hmmm i wonder why the write up has no mention of needing a pulley for the harmonic balancer pulley... I already got a puller for the crank pulley, think that will work for the harmonic balancer, also, not to sound stupid or anything, but which pulley is the harmonic balancer pulley?

  15. I did what Simon said and it worked like a charm. Just remember to use the correct puller when taking of the harmonic balancer. I was dumb and used a 3 jaw puller and broke of the lip of my balancer. It was right at 200 bucks for a new one. Another tip is to make a cardboard template so you know where all the screws go for the timing belt covers, there are different sizes in different places. Are you going to go ahead and change the water pump, seals, tensioner, coolant bypass hose or anything else while your in there?

    yeah im replacing the water pump, cam seals, crank seal, and tensioner if it has some play to it, if i just use an impact gun i dont need to take off the harmonic balancer right?

  16. Thanks for the input guys, I apologize if this is one of those things that been talked about 10,00 times, i'm a newb to this forum, but not to forums in general so I understand the whole "use the search function" thing, I honestly have just been so damn busy I haven't had the time and was lucky enough to be able to post and still get some good responses. Thanks again, i really appreciate it, I think im gonna go the impact gun route, as theres some things that I could use it for on my GTP anyway, so it will prob be a good investment. I heard of people counting teeth on the timing belt or somethjing along these lines, is this really necessary, dont you just line up the marks? What exactly do I need to mark off to be sure i dont screw it up? Am I supposed to markt he old belt where it is lined up with the dots on the cams, and then when I take it off put line up those marks with the new belt and put them on there? Sorry for so many probably stupid questions, I feel like im making a much bigger deal out of this than it is, I just know that if I mess this up and my valves get bent, i'm out of a vehicle for the winter... Again, thanks for all the help, i'm usually very confident on working on cars, but I havent done anything that if done wrong could result in ruining the engine, so I kind of feel like I want my hand held through this one,haha

  17. So I started to take everything apart to take off the timing chain cover, and I cant seem to get the bolt off of the crank pulley. Its a Manual tranny and I had it in gear, and the e-brake on and tried to take the bolt off, the crank turned with is and the car started to move. I got ratchet straps and ratcheted around the pulley to the frame, and 2 of the 3 pulleys making up the crank stayed, but the furthest one back ( has the small belt for I believe powersteering pump on it) still moved.... I figure the only thing I can do is get an impact gun, anyone have ideas of how to get this damn thing off??? Also any tips to make sure I dont screw up the timing would be great. I already have the write up on how to change the timing belt, but any extra advice to make sure I dont screw things up would be great. The write up is great but im still a little uneasy fealing...

  18. The flasher cans should be separate from each other, so it is unusual for both the hazard and indicators to stop working at the same time. Having said that, stranger thing have happened. Replace both flasher cans and see how you go. Any auto outlet should have replacement flashers. Take them in with you if you are concerned you will not get the correct units.


    Where are the flasher cans located in this car/ what do they look like?

  19. Hey guys, so im new to the world of the pathfinder, and the blinkers and hazards dont work. Randomly if the cars off for a while, when i turn it back on it will work for a couple seconds but then stops completely. I think that it is the combination flasher switch, but i'm having trouble finding the right part/ know where the hell it is in the car. If anyone could give me some advice towards this it would be great, I need to stop driving with no blinkers!!!

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