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Posts posted by DVO

  1. Got a copy of the island backroad mapbook yesterday... Shannon and I are gonna go look at some places tomorrow and see what's what... But, we found a place that we're gonna hit up for sure... It'll be fun... Bigger than what we're used to, but, not by much nor anything we can't handle, bud...

  2. I'm new to the island... I live in Whiskey Creek near Qualicum... Got's me a 90 SE WD21 on Yota rims, 235/75's til I can get 31's, Rancho 5000's and no lift YET... Other bits been described by Skwerly...;) I've had it up Stave and a few places on the mainland, but, I got no one to run with here... I've seen a few WD's around here; saw one yesterday on Hwy 4 about Pratt... Lifted nicely, extended/raised tail pipe...


    But I digress...


    I'm new to the area and don't know my way around much at all yet... But... I DO want to find some fun places... Mud, rock climbs, etc.. The usual grind stuff that much anyone with some skill can get thru... SkwerlB8 will be visiting occasionally, too... And it'd be nice to get out and meet some ppl here and go get it dirty with island dirt...

  3. I been searching for a VERY long time.. And found NOTHING to no avail... My 90 SE has them goofy pods for the speakers... How the heck do I get into them? I'm not sure if it's the wiring thru the amp for them or if they're just wired gimpy... I had some good ones put in a couplea years ago, not knowing I had rear ones already, to find that the stock ones were good, just not working for some reason... Well... In the last year, my rear speakers have dropped off totally... If it's not to do with the stock amp, anyone know how to get them things off so I can re-wire the whole thing? I have a rather large 2x12 Alpine box in there now with JBL's and a 1300w Class D... That with the stock door speakers? Well... Yea... I need them 67x9's to work...;)

  4. Welll... Started out kinda off the track, so to speak, as we were about 5 mins behind everyone else.. heh But we forged ahead and found where we were s'posed to be by chance anyhow...


    The 3 of us that started out on our particular adventure...



    Well.. We know who's havin' fun here!!




    What a VIEW!!! We ended up in some near snow-fall... Was half snow and half rain there for a bit...




    Once we DID find others on the same meet, this is what we found at the end of the trail as it were...


    8222330526.jpg 8222330557.jpg


    Can we say STUCK??? The ground was rather soft up there to begin with.. I guess he found the softest spot...;)


    Anyways... Here's the link to the full abum with all 77 pics...


    Our day up Norrish...

  5. Nope, I invited a couple people with Jeeps, Fords, Chevy's and other vehicles... now if they show up is another story.


    I've invited a few along, too, and posted the info on one of our local hobby shop forums that the Skwerl and I frequent as well... It just might be a nice turnout...


    But not ALL of us have a Pathfinder... Not everyone has been enlightened as we have...;)

  6. If yer all gonna go south, yer gonna hafta count me out... I have a criminal record... Shoplifting when I was 18... For some reason, one silly charge more than 20 years ago, that ends up with a fine and they seem to think I'm undesireable for entry to the US... >shrug< And I don't have a passport anyways... hehe

  7. Count me in... You know it... I'll bring the DV cam again, too...


    Most likely still be runnin' on the same tires... Cant' seem to find anything better yet that I can afford currently...;) But then.. My suspension has been fixed and is good to go...

  8. Well.. As it turns out.. It wasnt my hubs NOR my ball joints that was causing the death wobble on the front end... Was the "radius control arms" in front in combination with rear trailing arm bushings that were near shredded right out the mounts...


    They didn't look at ALL like they're supposed to... Not sure which was left and which was right but, look at the pics and you'll get an idea of what was goin' on... The pics don't really do the bits justice as it was my phone cam I used for these pics...


    TOP view of parts...



    SIDE view of parts



    The side view tells it all... How worn they were and the slight bend as well... Any much more on those and I think it woulda been horrible...


    They also seem to be a popular part to go.. No wreckers had any and the dealer had a stack of 'em in stock...

  9. Nah man... My ego actually got boosted some if anything that day... On the way in, I didn't think we'd get half as far as we did, let alone get back out... Never having been on anything but FSR's and the likes, our trip to Eagle was something that I learned a fair bit from you 2 guys from... 'Sides.. I LIKE my new tail pipe...;)


    Anyhoo... I got some vid clipz up and on now... Not ALL Of them are uploaded as the rest are pretty well shot from the backseat of my Pathy... BUT... There's some bits in them that I DO intend to use for a compilation vid or something or mebbe hack out a scene or 2 for posterity...


    87pathy makin' one of the harshest climbs that day...

    Skwerl makin' his first big climb of the day...

    Skwerl, again, drivin' down the bit that "customized" my tail pipe...

    Group shot of the 4 Pathys, drivers and 2 spotters that no one wanted to pose for... Or knew was being taken...


    Redneck Spinner!!


    I can't wait to get out with you guys, and more, again... Should have some kinda improvement by then I think.. Suspension at the very least...

  10. They comin'... Gotta get 'em off the cam, convert, post, wait for host site to convert and notify, then I can post the links... S'why I said I need a few days...;)


    Actually have a fair bit of video to go thru... Sam took a lot of footage from inside the truck I hafta sort thru and yank out the bad...

  11. Ok.. I only got like, 6 pics...;) Too busy wheelin' and waitin' to be pulled... :rolleyes:


    I had a blast... Count me in next time and much any other time, too... Thanks for the tugz...


    Now.. To pics...





    Just click the pic for a full view if ya want... Yea I know 5 are much the same.. But hey... A group of Pathy's together is worth a few angles....

  12. ya we got out.. i forgot my camera but DVO took lots of pics


    I got a few pics.. Skwerl's bro got some pics... I got some vid of a few things as did my g/f... She shot from inside in the back... I'll get everything I got worth showing up in the next few days.. SHOULD have pics up by tonite...



  13. 1995 Pathfinder SE 4x4


    Today I went to the gas station to fill up and when I was ready to leave and the car would not restart. I would turn the key on and it sounded like every single relay on the car was clicking. I check the fuses and I found that the "shift lock fuse" was blown. So I replaced it, but I still could not restart my pathfinder. The clicking was gone but now the battery was dead. The battery is brand new. I had my buddy jump start the car and it fired right up. I pulling out and turned on the lights and the car just completley died. We jumped it again and he followed me back to the house without lights. I get home and turned the lights on again and it killed itself again. Has the happened to any of you guys, because I am lost.


    I had that happen on a '74 Malibu Classic and my old '87 Colt... Both instances were a dead altenator... Yard it out or drive to a place that does rebuilds on them and have them spin it up on the testers they have and see if that's the issue...


    Chances are, ya need a new altenator...

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