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Posts posted by Ivanzbenz

  1. In the beginning of your thread your R3 sprocket is turned CCW with the timing mark being at about 9oclock while the L3 and crank sprockets are in their proper position. Flash forward to reinstalling the timing belt on sprockets and R3 is back to it's proper timing position...


    My R3 sprocket is exactly where yours was (around 9oclock)... How did you get it back to it's proper position? I really want my truck back on the road today but don't want to ruin anything so any help would be appreciated.



  2. Hello all, I'm new to this forum with a 'new to me' 92SEV6. Looks like it's going to be a baptism by fire into the Pathfinder life for this guy... Less than a month after adopting this truck (still unnamed) he started hemorrhaging oil on a 2hr drive home from the coast. Looked like the culprit was the oil pan gasket so it was changed by a guy I know since my workload was too full for me to find the time. Well, yesterday he finished and I threw the starter that I had freshly cleaned back in today along with fresh oil (synthetic) and filter. took him down the road for a test drive... Copious amounts of oil all over the spotless underside of my truck again... I mean EVERYWHERE below the cam seals on the passenger side of the engine, driver side was spared for the most part. Taking a sabbatical from my 9-5 to handle this in a timely fashion and thinking a conversion kit along with cam seals and a timing belt is what I should do this week. Any suggestions on something I'm missing or anyone want to try and talk me out of what is sure to be the deepest I've ever been in an engine?


    Thank ya



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