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Posts posted by Terranooz93

  1. Hey mate I'm in Port Kennedy you?Had a quick chat on phone with them today but they said they only do the '95 pathfinder upwards so I'm presuming te chassis was altered from then on not to sure when the wd21 line ends all very confusing lol

  2. Hi, new to the forum been a long time lurker - I'm looking to do some towing soon with a boat 5-5.5 meters meaning ill be towing probably around 1600 kg plus. I have a towbar which came on the car which is rated at 1200 kgs which is not enough. I'm having a hell of a time sourcing a a heavy duty bar for the car most can't even fid the terrano on their system.


    If I tell them it is a pathfinder they will say they only support the '95 pathfinder upwards. Is there any major differences in these models that would prevent me using this model? Would a Navara D21 fit a terrano d21? Thanks

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