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Posts posted by sorexcuse

  1. Here in upstate NY, not much. Rust on the front fenders and hood and starting in many other places. 97 SE with a/t, leather, 159k miles. From a small lot selling cars under going rate other dealers were charging, was happy to get the $3200 I got. May not sound like much, but it was more than I thought I would get.

  2. THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN! Two posts, two weekends, you guys save me. P/S reservoir was a little low, filled it with no effect. Re-tightened the belt, no effect.


    Began taking belts off one at a time, the first one was the right on. My A/C compressor has frozen! Wind chills of -15 F and part of my air conditioning system goes out. Go figure!


    Thank you very good, pragmatic approaches even though I flew off the deep end.

  3. Interesting, maybe the diagnosing should start with belt removal to see if it is any of the accessories or if it's the engine. I may have to break out the Carharts and go to work tonight. Thanks.


    Also, there are still no warning lights on the dash when re-started.


    Will report back if I do pull the belts. If anyone else has suggestions, please feel free. Thanks.

  4. Very strange thing happened on the way home from work. It's cold here, been shifting in and out of 4wd for the snow.


    Almost home, no CEL, temp in the middle, no other lights or warnings. Get a high pitched whine as I pull in the driveway. Shut it off, coast in. Start it up, no problem but the high pitched whine is there and gets worse. Let it sit, have my better half start while I'm looking in and it's much worse very loud and almost a metal to metal type sound. Car starts fine but has the noise immediately, all belts are moving. Didn't run it for more than 30 seconds total since the noise started.


    Any ideas? Of course I had just phoned and completed a deal to trade the truck in. Unfortunately, even a car dealer will notice this.


    97 Pathfinder, 159k miles, A/T.


    Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  5. Okay, I'm feeling pretty dumb. Cold temps was a good call, but something that I hadn't expected. It got much worse on the way to pick up parts yesterday. And the winner is...









    Cracked rotor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a crack all of the way through the outside portion of the rotor.


    Not sure if I missed it on the last inspection or if this past week got it to crack all of the way through.


    Have all the parts so I'm going ahead and replacing the bearings while I'm taking everything down.


    Thanks for the suggestions, got me off my butt so that I would do something about it.


    PS - picked up in-stock rotors at Advanced Auto for a little less than $29 each.

  6. Thanks, guess the rotors are the easiest to start with (will do pads as well). Strange that it would be the brakes, is seems to have started suddenly. First noticed it after it sat for a weekend while I was out of town, it did it backing out of the driveway when I applied the brake.


    Will report back once they are swapped out.

  7. My 97 Pathy is having an 'issue'. Driving down the road, nice and smooth, no issues in either 2 or 4wd. When I apply the brake there is a "rhythmic pulsing" (almost what I would call a wobble) coming from the right front wheel area. Would think it was the brake or rotor but there is no feedback coming through the pedal or steering for that matter. Pulled the caliper and pads, they weren't binding and the pads appear to be wearing even/straight.



    Any idea where to start looking? Any insight would be appreciated.


    Thank you.


    (Stats - 97 Pathfinder, A.T., recent tires and brake pads among other things, 159k miles)

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