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Posts posted by newage

  1. Hello!

    My name is Ludmil, I am from Bulgaria.


    Here's my story.

    3 Years ago I got a second hand Terrano 1 1989 from a dealer. I fit it nicely with LPG system, repaired the air conditioning, boughgt new tyres and the car became an excellent family vehicle for the outdoots.


    However 8 months later the headgasket blew, between 2 cyllinders. Got it replaced and the head resurfaced.


    Another 8 months driving and headgasket failed the same way, this time the at the metal ring. Got it replaced once again, you know, it almost ruined the family budget.


    Now, a year later it started again puffing steam through the tailpipe.


    I can't take it anymore, I can't afford the expenses. This time I will get the job done myself.


    Please, advice me what to check, where to start from, what could be the possible cause of this continous failure.


    A clue - when I bought the car, the radiator has just been replaced with new one. From the very begining it had erratic idle which I fixed by disabling the EGR valve. Remind you, the car is running on LPG.


    Thank you in advance!

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