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Posts posted by hoohaa

  1. Just when I had my sights set and I had taken aim…… it looks like our pro gun lobbyist, Xxx Xxx, has shot through after shooting off when only half cocked which ended with him shooting himself in the foot. Seems he didn’t have any ammunition to protect himself, ironically, from himself when it came to the facts of the matter.

    Still, no need for you to disappear Xxx. :itsallgood: It is just a topic ffs. No winners or losers here! They’re in the streets. :whocares:




    The above is just a bit of humour with a little word play. I couldn’t resist it.



    I haven't gone anywhere guys, just on vacation. I think I will probably retire from posting in this thread though. It's just silly to enter into a debate where people either don't understand how to form an argument using facts or deliberately ignore facts in order to push an agenda. It's also tiring dealing with the emotion in many of these posts. Not conceding defeat at all, just deciding that my pearls of wisdom are probably better off cast elsewhere. I believe that a person with a good knowledge of logic and statistics will understand my main points and will see through the arguments of the opposite side. Unfortunately it's often easy to mislead those not familiar with statistical fallacy and errors in logic.

  2. did you miss the part of my post that quotes the number of gun deaths in different countries? notice anything unusual there? collateral damage?



    No, I didn't miss it. I'm not sure why you thought I would even respond to it. Here, I will lay out the issues:


    1. You are listing whole numbers rather than percentages. The population of the USA is quite a bit larger than Switzerland. This is a good example of how statistics can be used to mislead.

    2. The countries listed have RADICALLY different levels of handgun ownership, again making the statistics misleading. You are comparing countries which are completely saturated with handguns with countries, like England, with very very low handgun ownership.

    3. The assumption seems to be that since America's death stats are so much higher than everyone else's (see point #1) that gun control in the USA must be too lax. This is also misleading because the countries listed have varying levels of strictness of gun control.

    4. I would tend to distrust the figures themselves even, coming from a group like Handgun Control Inc. Not exactly an unbiased source.

    5. There are very different social, economic, and political factors at work in those different countries, making any such "correlations" with gun control and crime levels very doubtful at best.

  3. If cheap gears were made available for the H233b I would say that more folks (nissan and non-nissan) would use this axle in general. It's a super tough axle, but since gears are so steep for it no one can afford to use it when there are Dana 60s out there with cheap gears and lockers. I would have purchased a set of gears without a second thought at $200 for the H233b. I know at least five people in my club (TNT) would have purchased gears as well. It would take time for the word to get out, but once it did I bet the H233b would start to appear in more non-nissan vehicles.

  4. that's pro gun paranoia man. :D


    Call it what you want. I think they make a good point. I'd rather be called paranoid every now and then than end up not being able to defend my family when the time came. :)

  5. How come you neglected to inform us that the murder rate (with a gun) is coming down because of new gun control laws in South Africa?


    Because that's not true. Please, read up on the notion of "causality" in statistics and rethink your statement. Can you prove that new gun control laws caused the drops in murder rates? Absolutely not. Again, who is being "factual" and who is not? Just think about the skewing variables in this case. South Africa has been in tremendous turmoil politically, with LOADS of change over the last thirty years. There are economic, social, political, and religious changes happening fast enough to make your head spin. An even more important factor is that of ethnicity. And in the midst of all this you are actually claiming that you know that the decrease in murder rates was directly caused by new legislation. Seems you have oversimplified an incredibly complex correlation.


    And BTW, I don't care about murder rates "with a gun" as opposed to with something else. I have always argued that humans kill people, not guns. Take a gun away from a person with murder in their heart and they will use a knife, baseball bat, shoelace, etc. This is why gun control doesn't work. It takes away one killing tool that is substituted by another.


    And since you are so fond of my pro-gun propaganda, here's some more:









    I figure there is enough anti-gun propaganda in the media that I can toss in a little of my own pro-gun propaganda here.

  6. Why don't you demonstrate for us how our gun laws are not "reasonable or responsible" in their current form? And no, I absolutely do not agree that "not a single measure has been put in place to try and curb gun trauma either". I have no idea where you got this from, but there are and have been MANY laws which attempt to "curb gun trauma". You must not be at all familiar with American gun laws. If you want to criticize our country, our Constitution, and our laws, PLEASE make yourself familiar with them! I've seen more than one comment that illustrate how ignorant you and other Australians are of our legal system and our Bill of Rights.


    The VT thread did not include a shred of "factual evidence supporting gun control and the positive outcomes that follow implementation". There were plenty of news stories about "poor little johnny who got shot accidentally by a big mean gun", but there were actually several links which called to attention the faulty logic and statistics often used to support gun control. Perhaps we read different "VT threads", but the one I read contained link after link to CREDIBLE internet sites which disproved or seriously called into question the claim that strict gun control leads to fewer deaths. I don't know if you missed it, but there was one link to a very well written, neutral, and well referenced comparison of the gun laws of Japan, Canada, and the United States which concluded that strict gun laws did not correlate to fewer deaths.


    Please, Vee Sicks, lay out your arguments in a clear and concise way. Please don't just post a list of links to news stories about people accidentally shooting themselves or others. Let's talk about the claim that positive outcomes follow the implementation of gun control. I'd love to hear your explanations of how the citizens of Israel and Switzerland have such free access and even compulsory ownership of firearms, yet they have low crime rates, while countries like South Africa have extremely strict gun control laws, yet they lead the world in murders per capita.


    I also want to respond to your claim that "children" are dying by the hordes due to gun accidents. You have not provided evidence for this claim. Please lay it out there. And no, citing a number of news stories about gun accidents is not providing evidence. **HINT** Before you even link to some anti-gun site, please be sure to disclose what they mean by "children". Anti-gun advocates often include youths up to 20 years old in the "children" category, so gang shootings are included in the statistics, skewing the data beyond all recognition. Unfortunately there is much of this sort of meddling with data when debating gun control, so we will need to carefully review the statistics that I hope you can share with us proving your points :rolleyes:.


    I'm sorry to do this, but I really think the burden of proof should fall on your shoulders, since you initiated this debate with very open criticisms of the anti-gun control position. Don't expect me to spend hours laying out my responses and citing references when you have not done the same. Your arguments have not been well supported with credible evidence. You have cited lots of anecdotal evidence, but anecdotal evidence only gets you so far in a debate.


    Why don't you start here by responding to this post. You have said I've not contributed anything "factual" to this debate... Something I would accuse you of as well. Since you are the one who started this thread in all of its biased glory, why don't you start by reading over the post I just quoted and lay your arguments out there. PLEASE, no more nytimes new stories or BBC links. They are every bit as biased and non-objective as you are and they contribute nothing.


    The burden of proof is on your shoulders, IMO, since you started this thread as an American gun law bashing festival. Tell us why we should take your side. Back your claims up with some facts (again, not BBC links!!!).


    And I really don't appreciate the tone of your last post. I have tried to be as respectful as possible, but you still seem to find it necessary to make things personal. Let's be objective and not so emotional, ok? If you're not sure what I'm referring to, read this part of your post:


    You push your pro kill everyone agenda like a religious fanatic trying your best for Armageddon or a sleazy pedophile camped outside a kindergarten.


    "Pro kill everyone"? Now who is it that is pushing an agenda? You could more appropriately label my agenda as "guns save lives" than what you called it (BTW I can back that up with all the "factual" data you want. HINT: take a look at the decline in crime related death rates in the states that adopted "right to carry" concealed weapon permits.


    Please, Vee Sicks, stop it with the emotional outbursts. It's very hard to participate in a debate with someone who makes things so emotional and personal. I've asked you to answer a number of questions without making any cutting personal comments about you, please see if you can answer them in an objective way without all the drama and emotion.

  7. We all know about the inherent poverty that is inflicted upon a massive section of the populous. We all know that poverty leads to desperation and that desperation leads to lawlessness especially when that poverty is of a 3rd. world, or even lower, rating.


    So the poor are criminals? That type of thinking is deeply disturbing.

  8. What about regular steel?


    I'd think mild steel manifolds would be around $100 less than stainless, maybe even less than that. I'm still planning and rebuilding a VG30 for the project, so the manifolds are a way off still. I'm thinking there probably wouldn't be a market for anything like this for the Pathfinder unless I offered a complete kit, but that's way more work than I have the time to do.

  9. So far not one skerrick of evidence has been put forward that proves your gun laws are reasonable or responsible in their current form. We can agree that not a single measure has been put in place to try and curb gun trauma either. On the other hand, taking the VT thread into account, plenty of factual evidence supporting gun control and the positive outcomes that follow implementation has been put forward.


    I have asked the questions. I have not had one answered. As usual!


    Why don't you demonstrate for us how our gun laws are not "reasonable or responsible" in their current form? And no, I absolutely do not agree that "not a single measure has been put in place to try and curb gun trauma either". I have no idea where you got this from, but there are and have been MANY laws which attempt to "curb gun trauma". You must not be at all familiar with American gun laws. If you want to criticize our country, our Constitution, and our laws, PLEASE make yourself familiar with them! I've seen more than one comment that illustrate how ignorant you and other Australians are of our legal system and our Bill of Rights.


    The VT thread did not include a shred of "factual evidence supporting gun control and the positive outcomes that follow implementation". There were plenty of news stories about "poor little johnny who got shot accidentally by a big mean gun", but there were actually several links which called to attention the faulty logic and statistics often used to support gun control. Perhaps we read different "VT threads", but the one I read contained link after link to CREDIBLE internet sites which disproved or seriously called into question the claim that strict gun control leads to fewer deaths. I don't know if you missed it, but there was one link to a very well written, neutral, and well referenced comparison of the gun laws of Japan, Canada, and the United States which concluded that strict gun laws did not correlate to fewer deaths.


    Please, Vee Sicks, lay out your arguments in a clear and concise way. Please don't just post a list of links to news stories about people accidentally shooting themselves or others. Let's talk about the claim that positive outcomes follow the implementation of gun control. I'd love to hear your explanations of how the citizens of Israel and Switzerland have such free access and even compulsory ownership of firearms, yet they have low crime rates, while countries like South Africa have extremely strict gun control laws, yet they lead the world in murders per capita.


    I also want to respond to your claim that "children" are dying by the hordes due to gun accidents. You have not provided evidence for this claim. Please lay it out there. And no, citing a number of news stories about gun accidents is not providing evidence. **HINT** Before you even link to some anti-gun site, please be sure to disclose what they mean by "children". Anti-gun advocates often include youths up to 20 years old in the "children" category, so gang shootings are included in the statistics, skewing the data beyond all recognition. Unfortunately there is much of this sort of meddling with data when debating gun control, so we will need to carefully review the statistics that I hope you can share with us proving your points :rolleyes:.


    I'm sorry to do this, but I really think the burden of proof should fall on your shoulders, since you initiated this debate with very open criticisms of the anti-gun control position. Don't expect me to spend hours laying out my responses and citing references when you have not done the same. Your arguments have not been well supported with credible evidence. You have cited lots of anecdotal evidence, but anecdotal evidence only gets you so far in a debate.

  10. We planned a rear mount and were going to use a 2 or 3 quart tank with a small electric oil pump to circulate the oil. The only thing I was concerned about is the air filter location. Also the thing with a turbo in the engine bay is heat and room. Then the California smog nazis would hate that set up. How much boost and price estimation are we looking at cause my rig is a snail and I need power.


    Boost level.... How high do you want to go? Plop a huge turbo on the manifold and your truck can be pushing 600 HP with the right injectors, cams, heads, and bottom end. I would, of course, recommend a smallish turbo for a truck application to give more usable boost throughout the powerband. An HY35 is an excellent match to the VG30 and will flow plenty of air to make 350+ HP and still spool up early. You could be pushing 20 psi at high rpm with that turbo.


    Price is the limitation. In order to boost a non-boosted truck you have to do something about fuel. There are plenty of options. If you are looking for a relatively easy and cheap setup I would strongly recommend looking into Nistune. You can have someone in your area install and tune it. If you farm out all the work, expect a project like this to have a total cost of up to $3k, depending on how far you want to go. If you do it all yourself you can easily keep it under $1500, and possibly lots less if you spend time researching and looking for deals. Those figures I'm giving are for a very solid and reliable setup with no corners cut.


    I would expect the manifolds to range from $400-$500 in stainless.

  11. Vee Six, I have no response to your attack on my country and its constitution. I believe the readers of this thread will see through you and the positions you advocate based on the nature and content of your "arguments", which have proven to quickly disintegrate into personal attacks and name calling when challenged. Please see this thread for one example.


    I believe gun control is an excellent topic of debate; however, the very subtitle of this thread and the first post are clearly biased. Perhaps someone more neutral should start a thread and moderate the comments. Vee Six and everyone should be free to participate, but should be removed from the debate the very moment they resort to name calling or personal attacks.


    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one."


    - Thomas Jefferson, Quoting Cesare Beccari's "On Crimes and Punishment".






    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary

    safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


    - Benjamin Franklin, from the Pennsylvania Assembly's reply to

    the Governor of Pennsylvania, Nov 11 1755.






    "Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of

    other countries, whose people are afraid to trust them with arms."


    - James Madison, Federalist Paper 46.






    "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun

    registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead."


    - Adolf Hitler, Chancellor's Speech, 1935

  12. Log-type or header-type manifold? Which turbo flange would you be using? There are a lot of different flanges out there for turbo inlets, aren't there? I wouldn't want to get one and be limited to only one type if the turbo's going to be really expensive. A good compromise might be to figure out which turbo is commonly available and works well with the engine displacement we have, then make a choice.


    The manifolds would be header style, but not equal length. (equal length with long runners would be the most ideal but that would take crazy amounts of work)


    The head exhaust flanges would be my own design, I'm actually putting the finishing touches on a CAD drawing of a set of flanges right now. The turbo flange would of course be the T3 flange, since this is by far the most common turbo for use on the VG30. With a T3 flange you can run a T3 .60 AR which comes stock on the 300zx, or you could run a T3/T4 if you wanted to go larger, or even a Holset turbo from a Dodge diesel truck. If you needed a different flange I could probably make it happen.


    A rear mount would be cool, but since I don't plan on making one of those myself, I don't want to invest the time in making a kit of some sort. Rear mounts are IMO easier to build than an engine bay mount with manifolds, but there are some unique challenges, such as oil scavenging and recirculation. Rear mounts are cool though.

  13. Here are a couple of pictures of an unpainted centerlink after the sleeves are welded on:






    The ball joint used to sit in the spot that the hollow sleeve now occupies.

  14. I'm in the process of turbocharging my WD21 pathfinder and I'm wondering if there would be enough interest to warrant me building a few extra sets of manifolds. The manifolds would be schedule 10 stainless steel with 1/2" flanges, and the turbo would be located behind the driver side headlight. You would need to remove your stock airbox (obviously), and the charcoal canister from their locations to make room for the turbo. I'd probably only make the manifolds themselves, I probably wouldn't sell turbos or anything extra, so the customer would need to figure out how to add extra fuel at boost. There are a number of options for doing this, one is Nistune, which allows real time modification of the factory ECU, making it very simple to add extra fuel at specific boost levels. There is also the FMU option, which increases fuel rail pressure at a specific ratio per extra pound of boost. It's not the most elegant solution, but it works. There is also talk of the WD21 MAF and ECU being able to handle low levels of boost. I have not seen this myself, but Lee of L&P reported that his pathfinder saw good AFRs even at moderate boost with the supercharger with a completely stock fuel system and ECU. Of course a turbo behaves differently than a supercharger, so the MAF will be more prone to being maxed out since turbos flow more air at higher RPM while superchargers tend to run out of breath at high rpms. Anyways, I would leave it up to the customer to figure out fuel delivery.


    The manifolds would be made to fit non bodylifted trucks. If there was enough interest I might make manifold for 3" bodylifted trucks, but there would definitely need to be interest, since I would have to seriously modify jigs.


    What do you guys think, would there be any interest in something like this in the pathfinder or D21 community? I would probably need to sell five sets or so to justify the time and research.



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