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RnV Npora group?


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$150 fee?!


But yeah, if its that much, and i can save up some dough, i agree with that......stay for a while, or FOREVER


plus.. 150 just for the car.. there are charges per person and bikes or canoes/kayaks are extra.


From how I understood whenI was there all the roads where open to the public, logging,forest...

the southern 1/3 of the island is all public lands.. state forest which just require a camping permit tied to a tree and otherwise is free. there are also two campground on the island.. $5/night. :aok: all roads there are two track trails.. there is plenty to check out and relax for a week or so..


here, check these out:






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Id like to be able to incorporate a 'circuit' of sorts still, so people can join in when they want and such....so heres food for thought on an order of parks


Day 1-Mounds, drive to RnV before nightfall, and camp

Day 2- Rocks and Valleys for most of day, then drive to silver lake camping

Day 3&4- Silver Lake Dunes, along with surrounding trails, leave midday through day 4

Day 4(cont)-Twisted Trails, arrive, partay for afternoon, and camp for the night

Day 5 to whenever- North to Beaver Island, some stay for fun, anyone else can go to drummond possibly?



Personally, unless i can get my ma to sponsor my costs, 150 bucks enough to cover gas for my trip.....

Edited by OldSlowReliable
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all these parks have fees associated with them. camping ain't cheap in MI either. at least double your budget. that may cover your food too.. may.

Well, i figure after the $24 state park fee, and depending on rustic vs modern camping, 15 bucks a night ;)


So i was thinking that bringing enough cash for camping, plus gas, and just bring long life-span food (potatoes, hotdogs, eggs, beans, pb&j) and my on-road costs shouldn't exceed 150 total...


Another possibility, is pass beaver island, and go on to drummond island, and those that want to spend a week @ beaver can finish there...idk...

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that's close to 60 gal of gas @ $3/gal ... $150 just in gas. drummond island ferry is $25 round trip.. 5 days of camping x 15.. $75.. plus food and anything else.. that's at least $300. plus all the fees for the other wheeling places..

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that's close to 60 gal of gas @ $3/gal ... $150 just in gas. drummond island ferry is $25 round trip.. 5 days of camping x 15.. $75.. plus food and anything else.. that's at least $300. plus all the fees for the other wheeling places..

O_o you get 10 mpg?


I get 20 average between offroad and highway, 23 or better highway..... And if it ends up as a 5 day trip, thats 3 nights of camping, and with hotdogs, potatoes, and eggs, food for the trip will be pretty cheap. Plus, alot of rustic camping parks (15 per night) have group deals, with 6 bucks a person, so if we get enough people, maybe it would be cheaper.. Depending on the route, this could also change the $$, as different parks have different weekend rates, and if we plan a smaller private park in the first days, then they would be more willing to cut us deals on entrance fees and camping fees.


If we could get group rates at the smaller parks and camping, then maybe everyone could pay a flat fee, and then not have to pay on the spot for camping and such......you know? like pre-pay...


Gas is also supposed to go down by summer of '10


First step i guess, would be to get a final version of the route, that way we could plan where to camp, which locations we would be staying at, which locations we would be going to, and so on....


Although i would LOVE to go to drummond island, that adds another 200 miles, over 6hrs of driving, and probably another 2 days to the trip. To my knowledge, noone here has ever been, so idk if our rigs would MAKE it.




Day 1-Mounds (arrive midday) drive to RnV before nightfall, and camp there

Day 2- Rocks and Valleys for most of day, then drive to silver lake area and sleep/trails/dunes

Day 3 and 4- Silver Lake Dunes, along with surrounding trails, then drive to TT

Day 4(cont)-Twisted Trails, arrive, party for afternoon, and camp for the night

Day 5- Drive to Drummond Island, do alot, sleep there.

Day 6- Some depart for home, others continue on to Beaver Island




As you said, beaver island is the kind of place you stay for a week, so if atall possible, i think it would be best suited at the end, or the beginning, and then we leave from beaver island

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i get maybe 15 on the road but when you combine it with off road.. then i normally figure 10mpg to be in the safe side.


i highly doubt you get 23 though.. check your gauges or your math.


Gas is also supposed to go down by summer of '10
lol.. that's funny. :D :D :D


First step i guess, would be to get a final version of the route, that way we could plan where to camp, which locations we would be staying at, which locations we would be going to, and so on....
no hurry.. we got a year. i'm pretty sure fordsho has been to drummond but he hasn't been on here in a long while.. i'll email him or call one of these days and see if he has anything to say about it.


i'm most likely in (if at all) for a part of the loop.. silver lake, twisted, and beaver.. or i may go to keweenaw. we'll see.

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Yeah, theres this thing called the Northern Migration, and they do a similar route, but theirs is aimed towards big rigs, and they spend less time @ parks, and more time on road (alot of their rigs can't go over 60, and they aren't using tow rigs ftmp)



I drove 3 hrs to silver lake, 140 miles from me, going 55 mostly, but about 30% 65, filled up again @ the park, and used 6 gallons of gas, 140/6=23.3


Im stock though, and that was with barely any cargo in the back, save for a cooler and overnight bag.....

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when are you thinking of doing this? which month? just so i have an idea. my g/f normally takes vacation around 4th of july.. but that is not set in stone. we may just do an extended weekend out of this too, possibly. personally, i like MI later in the year.. august or even sept.

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when are you thinking of doing this? which month? just so i have an idea. my g/f normally takes vacation around 4th of july.. but that is not set in stone. we may just do an extended weekend out of this too, possibly. personally, i like MI later in the year.. august or even sept.

Well, im not sure, school in michigan starts early sep/late august, and it can get rather cold, especially if we go to the UP, and most campgrounds don't have hot showers or anything like that.....


I was more thinking either late june/early july, or sometime later in july....kinda in the middle of summer? Def not the week surrounding july 4th now that i think of it, cause traffic would be hell, and most parks/camps have increase rates or will be very busy





On another note, i researched drummond a little more-

Camping- $8 a night, $9.25 with electricity

Ferry fee- ???

ORV Park- Turtle Ridge

The mackinaw bridge is 5 miles long!!?!




Oh, and at Rocks and Valleys, it talked to the owner while i was getting tires, and its free overnight camping! So if we invert a bit (mounds, rnv, silverlake, then northern stuff) that could save that much more money, and may reduce the miles/money/gas

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On another note, i researched drummond a little more-

Camping- $8 a night, $9.25 with electricity

Ferry fee- ???

ORV Park- Turtle Ridge

The mackinaw bridge is 5 miles long!!?!


ferry was $12 each way in '08..


mackinaw has a fee too.. $2 each way i think..

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ferry was $12 each way in '08..


mackinaw has a fee too.. $2 each way i think..


That sounds about right.....



GLFWDA is having their northern migration next weekend, they are doing a similar route, (silver lake, TT, turtle ridge)


Ill ask them how it goes, and what they thought...


I was thinking, again (oh noes!) and i figure that if we can save a penny here and there, that will save us as a group, a fair bit of money..... so ill start a list of ways to save $$, and make things easier


Camping @ Rocks and Valleys (free)

Calling each location early to try and get a group rate

Limiting Stops, and trying to keep mileage to a minimum

Camping rustic, or find places where semi-rustic is cheap/cheaper

Find out where the majority of people will be coming from (to help secure a possible route)

Possibly arranging weekday openings in weekend only parks, and package deals

Planning the trip to include few, or no weekends (most rates are higher on weekends, but availability of people is a concern then)

Package Deals with private parks/campgrounds

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Legalise it and the State goes to hell!-)


I'm down! and if you get 20-25 mpg your running some sails...


You gonna bring me some good eats in the Dutch Oven?

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Legalise it and the State goes to hell!-)


I'm down! and if you get 20-25 mpg your running some sails...


You gonna bring me some good eats in the Dutch Oven?

Im pretty sure, that i didn't understand a WORD you just said...

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How about I pay for your gas Oldslow and you just tow me! Then you'd be getting normal Pathy mileage and I wouldn't have to pay for my gas...lol.

I need to get with my crew down here and figure out when we are going back to RNV. I got some work to do on my truck before I go anywhere though. The usual cutting, welding, fluid changing stuff. I'll keep you posted if I'm heading up that way.

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How about I pay for your gas Oldslow and you just tow me! Then you'd be getting normal Pathy mileage and I wouldn't have to pay for my gas...lol.

I need to get with my crew down here and figure out when we are going back to RNV. I got some work to do on my truck before I go anywhere though. The usual cutting, welding, fluid changing stuff. I'll keep you posted if I'm heading up that way.

coolio :D


Im headed up there in a few weeks, im actually going to silver lake for four days next week, but wanna conserve for a bit to save up for my UCA's and BL

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Im pretty sure, that i didn't understand a WORD you just said...


I'll 'splain it then!-)


Legalise it and the State goes to hell!-) Your State legalised Medical Marijuana (OBVIOUSLY from the math)


I'm down! (I would be glad to join one of your planned excursions)


and if you get 20-25 mpg your running some sails... (Unless you go downhill at idle I doubt it... Unless you have a mast and sails (as in like a sailboat))


You gonna bring me some good eats in the Dutch Oven? (Aimed at 94 as I believe he brings a Dutch oven to cook up the cheese soup) Im pretty sure, that i didn't understand a WORD you just said... (Any other explanations?-) :FartExplode-vi:

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