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RnV Npora group?


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So, i was thinking....since theres a few midwest npora guys around here, we should try and get some MORE peeps, so who knows, if someone wants to make the trek across the US to meet, COOL ;)




Its a park in harrison michigan....cheap entrance, friendly guys, and i figured hey, we could possibly have some sort of NPORA event? isn't slick moving out here soon?



Well, yeah, i was thinking something @ july 4th, or later in july, so that gives peeps time to make arrangements and get the rigs moving!!







Do it!


If not, then i guess we can try to get a 'midwest jamboree' goin

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that's a haul man. for slick it would be 6h at least.


if you want to meet some midwest peeps for wheeling, check out mwn4x4.net.. there is a run in mid WI coming up shortly.. i think it was looking like a small turn out this time. you could take the ferry across the lake and just enjoy the ride. :beer::D

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that's a haul man. for slick it would be 6h at least.


if you want to meet some midwest peeps for wheeling, check out mwn4x4.net.. there is a run in mid WI coming up shortly.. i think it was looking like a small turn out this time. you could take the ferry across the lake and just enjoy the ride. :beer::D

Yeah, i was thinking about that, cause i gotta go that way to check out wisconsin-stout sometime this summer anyways....



Idk, i just thought it would be kinda cool to have a pathfinder get together...atleast i know DOA will be there atleast once this summer, so thats one person

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i was also thinking maybe something like the glfwda northern migration....like do a kind of circuit and pick people up as we go? maybe stop by a few parks around the area over the span of a couple days.....i know a few popular spots in michigan alone, and im sure theres a few in northern ohio or east IL that would be common ground?


I guess it would depend firstly on when it is, and who can go...that would ultimately decide

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Yeah, July of 2007...Its a 2 hour ferry ride and you gotta resevations like 6 months in advance...you leave from Charlesvoix Mi...

Its mostly two tracks and even the roads are minmal maintnace.


We(A few buddie and me) took a 1998 Blazer and it was a little small for the trails(29 inch Wrangler a/ts) but it had a 4.3 v-6.Mostly sand but with a few muddy/swampy areas.We got stuck and this was how we got out.

Place in 4hi,set cruise at 45mph and we got out and pushed...while the engine and wheels moving at 45mph...thank god we caught it.

I was dumber then I am now but it was a great,great trip.

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Yeah, July of 2007...Its a 2 hour ferry ride and you gotta resevations like 6 months in advance...you leave from Charlesvoix Mi...

Its mostly two tracks and even the roads are minmal maintnace.


We(A few buddie and me) took a 1998 Blazer and it was a little small for the trails(29 inch Wrangler a/ts) but it had a 4.3 v-6.Mostly sand but with a few muddy/swampy areas.We got stuck and this was how we got out.

Place in 4hi,set cruise at 45mph and we got out and pushed...while the engine and wheels moving at 45mph...thank god we caught it.

I was dumber then I am now but it was a great,great trip.

lol, there goes the pathy cruisin down the rocky trail @ 45 with no driver


Smart! ;)

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You still wanna set it up...maybe june or july of 2010 or something...cause winter would be for hard core pathy owner only...I'm in if ya wanna set it up and stuff...It is a nice fun place to wheel and the trails arent all torn up from the big guys on 44s or any thing

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lol, there goes the pathy cruisin down the rocky trail @ 45 with no driver


Smart! ;)

Naw it was just a Blazer...we probly would've ran a mile after it and said piss on it...oh the da &^%$'s in it...and took off again...

All the kidding aside it would've ran into a tree before heading do the trail very far...(me and every one but the kid that got it the month before would have fell down laughing our A$$'s off)

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You still wanna set it up...maybe june or july of 2010 or something...cause winter would be for hard core pathy owner only...I'm in if ya wanna set it up and stuff...It is a nice fun place to wheel and the trails arent all torn up from the big guys on 44s or any thing

That'd be pretty cool, considering that will be my last summer with the pathy, and in michigan O_O (hopefully going to college in boston) Kinda like a senior trip :D


This would be great :-) us midwest guys gotta stick together! (plus, having it that far away will give people time to make plans for it, so those people further away can still join!)



So looking @ where beaver island is, and knowing a little bit of other parks locations.... this sounds like it could be a circuit thing :) (idk if some of the locations are only open certain times, but i know these are all on a possible route, or it could just be a one park deal? i just figured as long as people are driving up that way...)


Day 1-Mounds (flint michigan) (offroad morning-midday, depart for silverlake)

Day 2-Silver Lake Sand dunes and surrounding trails (mears michigan) (depart for twisted trails, or stay there for night)

-Twisted Trails Offroad (copemish) (arrive mid to late, depending on arrival will decide if we do the park that night, or next day if atall)

Day 3-Beaver Island (just away from charlevoix) (Arrive before noon, play!)

Day 4-Drummond island (?) (couple hour drive from charlevoix, and im not sure our rigs could do it, but hey, if enough people...) (sleep there, depart next morning)

Day 5-Rocks and Valleys (harrison michigan) (arrive sometime around or before noon, and leave @ will to home, or camp there and leave next day)



This would be quite the adventure, round trip (only going back to midland michigan) would be 800 miles O_O which makes me want to cut out drummond island (cuts down to 583, and reduces driving from 16 to 10 hrs total)



Silver lake dunes, require vouchers for entry (like taking a #, and limit your fun time) on weekends and holidays


Twisted Trails offroad, and Rocks and Valleys are only open on weekends, (RNV will probably let us in on a weekday though, if we have enough people)


Beaver Island requires reservations?


All participators will be on their own as far as accommodations, (food, shelter etc) but I will be planning on camping @ each venue, and it would be cool for more people, but i understand health issues or the want for a hotel (also available)


At this point, i figure as long as everyone is driving up, we can stop by the differing parks, but if there's a big want to cut some, or all but beaver island out, then that's fine too! I think, looking @ the schedule, that drummond island, and possibly Twisted Trials may need to be cut, as without them, things fit together a bit better, but again, its up to you guys!





Also, if you think you might be able to attend, PM me, cause if only two people are gonna go, that will change things a bit, and if need be, i could post these on the GL offroading forums, and we could get some jeepers with us, just to fill space and make it more interesting :)





Google Maps-


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beaver island is $150++ round trip on the ferry. if i go, i'm staying on the island for the week or so..



$150 fee?!


But yeah, if its that much, and i can save up some dough, i agree with that......stay for a while, or FOREVER

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Would the orv stuff be on beaver island? or on private property? the site says there are no public trails




Right now, it looks like ill be sitting out the beaver island portion....but anyone can still run it :)

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