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ADRENALINE MOB New Single "Undaunted" Full Album Comes Out March 13, 2012





Not sure why exactly but the drum on this song does not quite sounds good... sounds like it`s not in tune or something... anyone else agrees ?apart from this major details, the song is good ... :excl:B)

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I was just pulling your leg buddy... there is no way I can distinguish a tuned drum set from an untuned one !! Each time I see the set of portnoy I keep saying to myself what an immense job it must be to set it up , tune it, dismantle it, then start all over again in a different city... cheers to you sir !


by the way, this adrenaline mob sound is pretty good ! can't wait to shake your hand again in montreal.



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My wife is playing Guitar Hero right now so I'm listening to Slipknot Psychosocial


A friend linked me to a Youtube vid a while back, where someone mashed up Psychosocial and some Justin Beiber song.

And yes, it's on my ipod...


Now, though, I'm listening to this:

Dustin Bentall and Kendel Carson, 3000 miles.


See how many of you are brave enough to hit the second link, after the first :popcorn:

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